I repent for this nation and my sexual sins of: adultery, fornication, homosexuality, pornography and masturbation. We have broken your commandments and live a life of selfishness and perversion. I ask you to forgive us and deliver us from this present evil.
Father, I ask you to give the United States of America repentance for breaking the covenant of marriage. Because we the Church have a high divorce rate and have not kept Holy Matrimony holy; homosexual marriage and civil unions are not seen as profane.
Father, I ask you to raise up preachers of righteousness in Hollywood & Broadway to deliver them from perverse ways so that they may glorify your name.
Father, I ask you to help us as individuals to not even allow the appearance of evil in our daily lives and in those that we are in relationship.
Father, I ask you to bring the Church to the forefront of addressing and bring healing to the sexual broken-hearted.
In the name of Jesus in whom there is no other in which one can be saved and set free.