Jabm Staff posted on December 10, 2023 00:00

For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who suppress the truth in unrighteousness, because that which is known about God is evident within them; for God made it evident to them. For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through what has been made, so that they are without excuse. For even though they knew God, they did not honor Him as God or give thanks, but they became futile in their speculations, and their foolish heart was darkened. - Romans 1:18-21 NASU
Everyone has been given the measure of faith, a faith that points to a Creator. God doesn’t have any confidence in an atheist or agnostic. There aren’t any. Those who call themselves atheists and agnostics have turned off the light shown to them. They have suppressed the truth.
Unbelief is the unraveling of the faith that you were given by grace. Whenever God turns on a light to show us the truth, we have two options. The first option is to acknowledge the fact and walk in it. The second is to suppress the truth in unrighteousness by turning off the light because we prefer the darkness of sin.
When a light is turned on, it is evident that we need a Savior. The room is a mess. We see in the light what we couldn’t see with the light off. When the light is on, we understand what was causing all the pain in our lives. If we turn off the light, we are without excuse. We deny what we have seen and understood in the moment of light. Instead of thanking God for showing us the source of our pain and the solution, we turn away into the darkness, reasoning away what we saw. Life was dark before we saw the light, but now that we have seen the light and chosen the darkness, we are twice as blind. Before, we could see and navigate in the darkness, but now, we are aimless and futile. Our eyes and hearts have both been darkened.
In darkness, we are non-believers. Light gives us faith. We can’t go back to non-believers who never have seen the truth. We can only become unbelievers full of unbelief what we saw in the light we unravel until we no longer believe what we saw.
Don’t lie to yourself that you don’t know what to do. God is not unfaithful to not show us. God is full of compassion for those who walk in darkness. God doesn’t look away, knowing that we are lost and hurting. If we cry out to Him, He will turn on the light and show us how to escape.
There is no greater darkness than the Christian who turns away from the light. And I’m not talking about eternal life. I’m talking about the everyday truth God is showing those seeking Him. We all have turned off the light only to go around the mountain for another season or two until God turns on the light again. When the light is turned on again, we get another chance to acknowledge and thank God or go back into darkness. Who knows when or if the light will ever be turned on again? Don’t live a life of unbelief; acknowledge the light you have and walk in it.
Read Time: 2 Minutes 19 Seconds
Read Level: 5th